Devan Hawkins IG: @devannnicole


Devan Hawkins IG: @devannnicole
My name is Devan Hawkins and I am 24 years old. I didn’t get into fitness by being bored and wanting a change in my life, fitness has always been apart of what makes me, me! 

As for playing softball, volleyball and being a dancer, I’ve always loved to keep moving. My love for staying healthy and building myself as a better athlete is what drove me to find my passion at the gym. This passion then drove me to a sport I’m forever so grateful for, and now I am a NQ NPC bikini athlete.
With being so disciplined and going to the gym every day, caffeine is my best friend. That’s when I turn to @coffeeovercardio for getting me through the rough mornings and starting my day off the right way, with the best cup of coffee!